Homemade Herbal Cough Lozenges

Herbal cough lozenges are extremely soothing and contain natural medicines to help relieve symptoms of a dry cough, sore throat, or need a little something extra to help your body fight off an illness. Natural remedies for common illnesses have long been forgotten since the introduction of prepackaged medicines. However, these handy herbs and concoctions have been waiting around for us to take notice of them again.

Herbal cough lozenges are fairly easy to make and can be stored ahead of time for up to 8 weeks. Find the right herbs to assist in alleviating the symptoms. You want to look for herbs that have soothing qualities to the lungs, assist in thinning mucous, dull throat pain, and have antibacterial qualities, etc. Medicinal herbs such as the ones listed below have healing qualities and sooth the body when it’s immune system is down.

Peppermint: peppermint contains the volatile oil menthol which helps soothe the bronchial and help eases sore throats.
Spearmint: just like peppermint but some think it works even better!
Ginger: soothing and great tasting.
Horehound: horehound had been used for decades for coughs and bronchial upsets. It is a great herb for breaking up congestion. It contains murubin which stimulates bronchial secretions.
Thyme: thyme is another great herb that has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is very useful for treating coughs and colds.
Mullein: mullein is an herb that will help soothe the bronchial and lungs. It is extremely gentle and effective. IT will help ease coughs.
Marshmallow: marshmallow is very soothing and will help shrink inflamed bronchial making it easier to breathe.
Slippery Elm: like marshmallow this herb is used to help relieve inflammation of the bronchial.
Sage: sage leaves assist in soothing bronchial inflammation and also possess healing properties.
Fennel: fennel is soothing to irritated throats and helps relieve coughing fits.

Source – www.associatedcontent.com

Homemade Cough Lozenges #1
Things You’ll Need:

Light corn syrup
Herbal tea bag or assorted fresh herbs
Food coloring (optional)
Powdered sugar

Add the teabag or the loose herbs to boiling water. Choose herbs like peppermint leaves, horehound, thyme, slippery elm, fennel, marshmallow, ginger, mullein and spearmint. Set a small plate over the cup and let the herbs steep for at least an hour.
Remove the teabag or strain the loose herbs from the water when cool. Discard the teabag or the loose herbs.
Mix the herbal infused water, sugar and corn syrup in a small saucepan. Heat over a low flame until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the mixture to a boil.
Reduce the heat. Use a damp cloth and carefully wipe away any sugar crystals that have formed up the interior sides of the pan. Heat the mixture for another 2 or 3 minutes then remove from the stove. Add the food coloring.
Use cooking spray to coat a cookie sheets or candy molds. Use a teaspoon to drop small amounts of the mixture onto the cookie sheet or fill small hard candy molds with the syrup mixture. Allow the cough drops to set, harden and cool completely before touching them.
Place a few tablespoons of powdered sugar in a plastic bag. Toss the cough drops in the powdered sugar to coat them.
Store the cough drops in an airtight container for up to 2 months. Put a handful of them in plastic wrap or a small resealable bag to share.

Source – www.ehow.com

Homemade Lozenges #2

Things You’ll Need:

1 cup dried herbs (mix and match according to your preference and what you have on hand)
3 cups boiling water
3 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 teaspoons peppermint extract if desired
candy thermometer

Add the tea bags to boiling water and steep the dried herbs in the tea. For stronger tea, steep for about 30 minutes or so. Strain well using a tea press or cheesecloth.
Add brown sugar over medium heat and bring to a boil slowly. Stir constantly to avoid sugar from scorching. When the brown sugar, herbs mixture reaches 290 to 300 degrees and pulls apart in threads it is done. At this point remove from heat and add the peppermint extract if desired.
Pull the mixture like taffy and make little balls. Or the easiest and fastest thing to do is spread over a cookie sheet. When the herbal mixture it hardend you can then break into pieces. Use wax paper to store them. They will keep for up to 8 weeks.

Source – www.associatedcontent.com

1 All Quick Tips to Beat the Flu Season

We all know that when the weather begins to turn cold, it’s time to get ready for the cold and flu viruses to start emerging. Approximately 5 to 20 percent of the population gets the seasonal flu during the late fall until the early spring.

Bear in mind that some groups of the population are more prone to contracting illnesses than others. Groups such as those 65 years and older, children younger than five years old, pregnant women, those with certain compromised immune systems, as well as health care workers. If you live with or work around people in one of these groups, take some proactive steps to get your immune system ready for the flu season.

Take your vitamins. A good multivitamin will do the trick in keeping your immune system thriving, however,specifically taking Vitamins A , B, C, D, and E has been shown to promote a health immune system.

Speaking of Vitamin D, many are unaware that during the winter months, their body becomes deficient in Vitamin D. A deficiency of vitamin D triggers infections, autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease), cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Further, Vitamin D has been shown to be more effective in preventing the flu than a flu vaccine. The best source of vitamin D is sunshine! It’s important to get out and enjoy at least 10-15 minutes of sun per day (without sunscreen). As winter approaches, and it becomes harder to get natural sunlight, it may be necessary to take a daily vitamin D supplement.

Eat Healthy Foods. Everyone knows it’s important to eat healthy, but I think that most people underestimate the power that food has on the immune system. If you’re eating healthy and are exposed to certain illnesses, you have a greater chance of not catching it. Some foods that will provide you with optimum health are:

Organic fruits & vegetables
Fermented foods such as kombucha, yogurt, etc.
Organic, pastured meats & eggs (including 100% grass-fed beef)
Healthy fats, such as coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts.
Avoid sugar, especially refined sugars. Sugar weakens the immune system. If you need sweeteners, use raw honey, maple syrup, & stevia.
Drinking teas high in antioxidants such as green tea can stimulate production of immune cells.
Raw honey has antibacterial, antifungal, & antiviral properties (LOCAL raw honey is best, especially for allergies).
1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar per day.
Eating nuts such as almonds have an immune-strengthening antioxidant.

Drink lots of water. Simply put, water helps to filter the impurities out of your body. Over time, this keeps your body functioning and in optimum health.

Get plenty of sleep: You workaholics out there need to pay attention to this. If you body does not get the needed amount of sleep each night, your health depreciates. Get a minimum of 7-8 hours per night. Further, if you feel your body coming down with an illness, stop pushing yourself and give your body what it needs: rest.

Exercise: Staying active 3-5 days a week for 20-30 minutes has been shown to not only help you stay healthy, but also increases your resistance to illness and helps you reduce stress all at the same time. How’s that for making the most of your time?

Keeping your body in balance and following the five listed tips can assist you in keeping your immune system strong during the months it is under attack.

Cold and Flu Remedies from the Pantry

With fall setting in, cold and flu season can’t be far behind. As miserable as a cold or flu might be now, with the pharmacy shelves bursting with over the counter remedies, one day relief might not be that close at hand.

Most of our prep kits have a stash of OTC medications but in a long-term disaster situation it will be important to make those last as long as possible. You might be surprised to discover that your kitchen cupboards may hold the key to curing your stuffy nose, scratchy throat, cough and chills.

Turning toward natural remedies now will give you the knowledge and skills you need to keep your family well during the onset of a disaster or extended disaster. Consider learning ways to make homemade lozenges to soothe sore throats, or possessing basic knowledge on which herbs may be used to treat cold/flu symptoms. Further, knowing how to combine these together to make cold/flu syrups will only better your family’s chances at beating the cold/flu season when OTC medicines aren’t as readily available.

Listed below are some other homeopathic ways to care for yourself and your family when you are ill.

Lemon-Ginger Jelly: Place lemon slices and ginger shavings into a small jar. Cover this with honey. Keep this in the refrigerator. In a few days you will have a “jelly” – stir one tablespoon into a cup of hot water for a tea that will soothe your throat and stuffy nose.

Honey Cinnamon Cough Remedy: Sprinkle powdered cinnamon onto a tablespoon of honey to calm a cough caused by a scratchy throat.

Peppermint tea: Peppermint tea will aid in relieving congestion and opening up the sinuses, plus sipping the hot beverage will help you combat chills.

Chicken Noodle Soup: Chicken soup loaded with garlic and onion is full of antioxidants that will boost your immune system while helping keep you hydrated, relieving irritation in your throat and mucous membranes and warming you up if you are suffering from chills. Chicken noodle soup has also been proven to have some antiviral properties which can help shorten the duration of a cold or flu.

Steam: Simmering a pot of water on a heat source can put humidity into the room, which helps loosen mucous from nasal passages to ease breathing and soothe coughing. Certain herbs, like basil or mint, or aromatics like eucalyptus or tea tree oil, can be beneficial when added to the pot of water.

Water: Keeping well-hydrated is important when you are blowing your nose ten thousand times per day. Drink water, juice, ginger ale or sports beverages but avoid drinks containing caffeine. Staying hydrated has the added benefit of offsetting fatigue. If you can, spike your water with lemon juice for a burst of vitamin C.

Salt Water: Gargling with salt water can calm a scratchy throat and help get rid of mucous. It has the added benefit of being mildly antibacterial. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt into one cup of water.

Ginger Tea: Chinese medicine has turned to ginger root for thousands of years to combat viruses and infections, while boosting the body’s natural immunities.

These remedies have stood the test of time – give them a shot and you might be surprised to find out that you don’t actually need the over-the-counter chemicals to relieve your symptoms!

Promote Eye Health

Beyond carrots

You've probably heard that carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision, and it's true: Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly.

But eating your way to good eyesight isn't only about beta-carotene. Though their connection to vision isn't as well-known, several other vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy eyes. Make these five foods a staple of your diet to keep your peepers in tip-top shape.

Leafy greens
They're packed with lutein and zeaxanthin—antioxidants that, studies show, lower the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
The yolk is a prime source of lutein and zeaxanthin—plus zinc, which also helps reduce your macular degeneration risk, according to Paul Dougherty, MD, medical director of Dougherty Laser Vision in Los Angeles.

Citrus and berries
These fruits are powerhouses of vitamin C, which has been shown to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
They're filled with vitamin E, which slows macular degeneration, research shows. One handful (an ounce) provides about half of your daily dose of E.

Fatty fish
Tuna, salmon, mackerel, anchovies and trout are rich in DHA, a fatty acid found in your retina—low levels of which have been linked to dry eye syndrome, says Jimmy Lee, MD, director of refractive surgery at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City.

Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall

Hair fall is no longer a condition barred by age! 15 or 50, when most of us walk out of the shower, the drain is clogging and when we brush, we loss a huge chunks and we don’t know what to do about it. Hair fall was in the earlier days attributed as a sign of aging and was a cause for a great deal of embarrasment. But today, we no longer count by age but rather count by so very many other reasons. No matter what the cause, the embarrassment associated does not reduce even by a fraction.

We hunt for a solution with great intensity. And here are they, a few simple techniques you can implement at home to reduce and control hair loss. But if you suffer from intensive hair fall, the best solution would be to consult a dermatologist before the damage becomes permanent!
Before we step into the solutions, lets take a peek at what might be causing your hair fall.

Lack of proper nutrition
Hormonal changes
Split ends
Prolonged illness
Medication like steroids

They all sound so very general don’t they? And that is the very problem. They are so general and common place that most us cannot avoid the hair fall issue at all. We have to face them at some point of time or the other.
To curb hair fall, you need to include a few basic practices into our routine along with the treatments that you adopt for better results. Here are these little things that will help.

Be gentle with wet hair. Avoid rubbing your hair dry and also avoid combing through wet hair. Your hair is more susceptible to breakage when wet and the result will a a clump in your brush and stray strands at your feet.

Massage your scalp region as frequently as you can. This stimulates flow of the blow of your head which in turn promotes the growth of hair and better health.

Don’t always opt for styles that require you to tie your hair up tight. As sleek and fashionable as this may look, it puts a great deal of pressure on the hair which adds to the breakage and hair fall.

Hair styling is essential when you step out. You need to look good at all times in today’s world. But it is necessary that you submit your hair to as less of heat treatment as you can! The heat tends to dry the shaft out making it dry and frizzy which over a period of causes the hair to brittle. The ultimate result will be hair fall.

Do not wash hair with hot water for the very same reason, always use cold water or water at room temperature. Dry and frizzy hair when you walk out of the shower is the indication that the water was too hot for your hair.

All said and done, jut these simple precautions are not going to cut the line. It will always hold true that only when you are healthy inside will your hair be healthy too. Your hair is made up of proteins and is a alive at the roots. And like any other living it also requires nutrients to remain healthy and grow. There are a few things that you can add to your diet to ensure that you intake sufficient quantities of these nutrients. First and foremost will be proteins of course. They are the building the building blocks of the hair shaft after all. The next in the list will be vitamins. The vitamins that are essential for the hair are Vitamin A, B complex, C, and E. Each of these perform a significant role. Vitamin B complex is most popularly known for its importance in the hair growth and hair fall control. Vitamin C prevents premature graying. Last but not the least, Iron. Deficiency of iron can be a source of severe hair fall. Which why women suffering from anemia exhibit a great amount of hair fall.

Work out. Yeah you read that right work out, Exercise increases the blood flow through the body and that helps in stimulation of the scalp.

If you already have dry hair, then rethink your coffee habit and evaluate your caffeine consumption. caffeine further depletes the body of its natural resources of nutrients. And the nutrients required for hair are not spared either! So cut back on the coffee and move on something more healthy and that which promotes good health.

Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated.

Keep the scalp clean and as far as possible away from chemicals. Use a shampoo that is mild.

Trim your hair regularly to avoid the troubles of split ends.

Home remedies for hair fall
Despite all of the latest technology and galleries full of products that have launched in the recent past to curb the hair fall problem, the most effective of remedies for hair fall is still the most effective. Here are some hair fall home remedies you can try.

1. Coconut Milk:
Coconut milk is among the richest sources of tissue-nourishing, plant derivatives. Grind the grated coconut and squeeze it to remove its juice. Massaging coconut milk (juice) on the scalp can also help in the management of hair fall.
2.Aloe vera:
Aloe Vera juice is very effective to stop hair loss. Pure aloe gel can be applied directly to the scalp. This is helpful for preventing hair loss due to irritated, dry or infected scalp. Aloe Vera balances the pH level of scalp. After massaging the head with aloe gel, wait for few hours and then wash the hair with lukewarm water. You should do this twice a week for best results.
3. Oil Massage:
Regular massaging the scalp for a few minutes every day with lukewarm oil will lead to stimulation of blood flow to the scalp. Coconut oil helps in controlling hail fall. Other recommended oils are: Jojoba oil, almond oil, mustard oil, lavender oil. Jojoba oil is especially good because it replaces the sebum in the scalp. It also helps to control dandruff.
4. Neem Treatment:
Neem is one of the most sort after herbs on the country! It has many benefits, both health and beauty. And when it comes to beauty, it has some very effective hair benefits too.
How to use:

Boil neem leaves in water until the water level falls to half its initial quantity and then cool it.
Rinse out your hair with the mixture once a week.

5. Amla:
Boil dried amla in coconut oil till the oil turns black in color. Massage your scalp with this oil. This is an effective and very easy home remedy to check hair loss.

There are also other ways where we can include amla in our hair care routine.

Use amla and shikakai powder than you can buy in ayurvedic stores. Mix them both and make a paste. Apply this to your hair. Leave it on for a few minutes and wash off after a few minutes.

Caution: If you have dry hair, skip the shikakai.

The most effective method, however is to drink amla and shikakai juice. Yes, it tastes terrible but if skip the preference of the taste buds once a day, the results will definitely be worth it.

6. Hair fall preventive packs:
When hair fall is really severe, then a preventive hair pack is the way to go. Here are a few packs, you can try at home.

Pack 1: Aloe Vera mixed with herbal Amla, shikakai and neem powder gives lustrous hair.
Pack 2: Henna, egg whites and curd when used together stops hair fall.
Pack 3: Honey, olive oil, cinnamon mixed together make for a soothing yet effective hair growth pack.

7. No Junk Please:
Unhealthy lifestyle, eating junk and all these unhealthy habits leads to hair loss due to high level of toxins in the body. So, start drinking lots and lots of water.


When you using hair fall remedies at home it is necessary to keep a few tips in mind. A few necessary precautions. Here they are.

Check to make sure that you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned in the preparatory products. Even though herbs cause a lot less reactions than chemicals, some people are known to have allergies to a few specific ingredients.

Always follow the instructions precisely. Some herbs are used for many different purposes and when the preparation changes, the use may also vary. This will not help your condition but it may also cause further harm.

While you follow these basic daily and weekly suggestions to reduce hair fall, you need to supplement it with some products that you can use everyday or twice during the week. Shampoos are the best example for such products. Supplementing these treatments with a good hair fall defense shampoo can be really useful.

10 Easy Best Body Care

As much as we all vie for that perfect face and look, there’s probably one area where we all tend to get a little lazy – taking care of our bodies. While makeup and various other beauty products will do much to enhance our looks, unless and until we take good care of our bodies, the end result won’t always be pleasing. So here are a few body care tips to make sure you take care of your body – inside and outside.
Body Care Tips For Women
1. Treating dark elbows and knees:
Squeeze out some fresh lime juice
Alternatively cut out some fresh lime wedges
Rub these over the dark/discoloured areas around the elbows and knees
Leave on for about 20 minutes
Soak a towel in hot water and scrub over the area

2. Soft glowing skin:
Take 1 tbsp rose water, 1 tbsp glycerine and 1 tbsp lime juice
Mix together and store in a bottle
Apply this daily for about half an hour before bath or at bedtime for soft glowing skin
3. Treating warts around the fingers:
Take a raw potato and slice it
Apply the juice on the area around the nails where you have warts (dried out damaged skin)
Using a piece of cotton, massage the area gently
Wash off after about 10 minutes

4. Treating puffy tired eyes:
Take some cotton balls and rose water
Dip the cotton ball in the rose water and place these over the eyes
Keep on for about 20 minutes
Lie back and relax
It will help treat any puffiness you have around the eyes and also help relieve tired eyes

5. To get smooth skin:
Take 5 tsp olive oil and about 50 gm papaya paste
Mix the two together
Apply over dry areas on the skin
Do this twice daily to get naturally smooth skin

6. Face mask to treat wrinkles around the eyes:
Take 3 tsp raw milk and 3 tsp honey
Mix both together
Warm the mixture slightly
Apply this around the eye region and leave on for about 30 minutes
Wash off with warm water
This is a natural solution to reduce and prevent wrinkles around the eye region
7. Natural conditioner for hair:
Take some raw milk (preferably cold)
Before bathing, apply this over your hair using a brush to comb through, or using your fingertips or using a spray bottle
Leave this on for about 30 minutes
Wash off with your regular shampoo
Milk acts as a natural conditioner, leaving your hair soft and silky
8. Reduce dark spots: Take 1 cup of curd and 1 egg
Mix both together
Apply on your face, especially over any dark spots
Leave on for about 1 hour
Wash your face with water
It will help lighten and reduce any dark spots on your face
Will also make the skin naturally glowing

9. Reduce dandruff:
Take a hibiscus flower and mash to get the juice out
Apply this on your scalp, especially over dandruff-affected areas
Leave on for about 1-2 hours
Rinse off with cold water
Do this twice a week to reduce dandruff

10. Softening rough hands and feet:
Take half cup of curd and half tsp vinegar
Mix together
Massage this over your hands, palm and feet
Leave on for about 5-10 minutes
Wash off with regular water

Hope you will find these body skin care tips useful. Do let us know once you try!

Reduce Hair Fall

All of us dream of having healthy, shiny and beautiful locks – hair that would be our crowning glory but unfortunately hair fall seems to have become a constant problem. Hair loss is a common issue that affects millions around the world at some point in their lives. Though hair fall is painless, it can be a distressing experience to lose hair on a daily basis considering that women associate hair with beauty. No one wants to go bald (something many men accept as the natural result of ageing) or look old prematurely.

How many times have you seen your comb or brush covered with hair and felt worried?
Not only while combing but even when oiling or shampooing, hair fall can occur. According to the beauty experts, it is normal to lose about 100 strands of hair in a day. Beyond this may be considered as severe hair fall.

A. What causes Hair Fall?

The common reasons behind hair fall can be perceived as a lack of essential nutrients in the body, excessive use of chemicals through hair coloring and hair styling treatments, improper and unhealthy dietary habits, hormonal imbalance, certain medications, dandruff, alopecia and other scalp disorders.
Even stress and tension can lead to hair fall. Hence try not to let these become a part of your life or if you are stressed out due to some reasons, consider meditation, Yoga or deep breathing exercises to reduce and counter it as they perfectly help in hair fall control. Also, make it a point to get adequate sleep every night.

Any medical issues should be taken care of to avoid severe hair fall that can lead to baldness. Thyroid is a common problem affecting thousands of women over the country and this condition may lead to rapid hair fall. So consider getting yourself tested for this after consulting your doctor.

Here is a detailed post on what causes hair loss in women.

B. Easy Tips To Hair Fall Control

Now, let us look at some easy tips on how to stop hair fall:
1. A wide-toothed comb should ideally be used for the hair to gently detangle it and then the regular fine-toothed comb may be used to style the hair as per one’s need. This will reduce the risk of the hair breakage and hair fall while combing.

2. It is best not to comb the hair while it is wet as this leads to greater chances of hair breakage and fall. Let it be dry or semi-dry before combing.

3. Do not rub your hair vigorously with your towel. This will only lead to unwanted hair breakage. Use the towel instead to gently soak out excess moisture.
4. Clean your combs every week. If you look minutely, you will see that combs become unclean and dirty over time; so they need to be cleaned with a brush, soap and water as using that dirty comb continuously can lead to hair fall as well. You can do this easily when taking a bath or shampooing each week. This is a necessary precaution to take for hair fall control.

5. Hot oil treatments is one of the most frequent answers to the question of how to reduce hair fall!

The tradition of oiling the hair to enhance and retain its natural beauty hails from ancient India.
Instead of opting for an expensive parlor treatment, it is best to use natural products that are safe, produce no side effects and are also effective.
Natural oils such as coconut, olive, canola, jojoba, sesame etc. can be used to massage the scalp for countering hair fall and encouraging new hair growth. You have to warm the oil of your choice by heating it; ensure that it’s not too hot but bearable, gently massage your scalp with this using your fingers or even a cotton ball may be used. Next, wear a shower cap, leaving it on for about 1 hour and rinse off using a mild shampoo.

Here is a detailed post on how hot oil massage prevents hair loss.

As we know, hair fall problems can be related to the scalp – issues such as dandruff, dryness and flakiness etc. With a natural hot oil treatment twice every week, the blood circulation in the scalp area can be stimulated causing the hair follicles to stay active and hair loss can be countered through deep conditioning and eliminating these scalp issues, and at the same time your hair receives the much-needed nourishment and care which will help in strengthening and making it beautiful.

6. Try to switch to shampoos that are sulfate, silicone and paraben-free to avoid loading the scalp and hair with harsh chemicals that damage hair, making it brittle and more prone to breakage. Controlling chemical damage is certainly a sure shot way to ensure hair loss prevention.

Some such options are available from brands like The Body Shop, Soul Tree, Rustic Art, Organic Surge; The Nature’s Co. etc

7. Wash your hair at least every 3 days with a gentle hair cleanser or shampoo to remove all accumulated dust, dirt, oil and bacterial build up. Keep it clean at all times to avoid hair fall due to unclean scalp and scalp infections. This is a necessary step to follow as an answer to how to prevent hair fall.
How to Stop Hair Fall? Care for Your Hair:

if you have been wondering what more you can do in your quest on how to control hair fall, here are few more suggestions.

8. Do not subject your hair to frequent chemical treatments, excessive blow drying, ironing and coloring as these can lead to hair loss.

9. Hair styles such as wearing tight ponytails, pigtails or braids on a daily basis, using elastics and rubber bands to pull back hair tightly can cause hair fall.

10. Natural Juices to counter hair fall: An ingredient from our kitchen can effectively help to tackle hair fall problems – it is the good old onion.
It is an amazing natural remedy to fight hair fall and also effectively increases the growth of your hair. Some simple and easy ways to use onion in treating hair fall and promote new hair growth.
11. Eat Healthy to Minimize and Prevent Hair Fall:

Give importance to a balanced diet to counter hair loss as this one of the most important answers to your question of how to prevent hair fall. Nutritional deficiencies in the body are a major cause of hair loss.
Iron-rich foods; those rich in zinc, Vitamins A, B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids and proteins should be consumed to overcome these deficiencies, add moisture to your hair, leading to a healthier scalp, lesser hair fall and fewer split ends and at the same time for getting thicker, stronger hair that shines with good health. This is a long term and effective way to cure hair fall.
Consider adding more of these to your diet – carrots, oats, whole grains, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, lentils, sweet potatoes, pumpkin seeds, oysters, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, flaxseed oil (Linseed oil) or grounded flaxseeds, fish such as salmon and tuna that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, beans, yogurt, low-fat cheese.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out all harmful toxins from your body.

C. Home DIY for Hair Fall Problem:

Homemade hair masks are an inexpensive and a very useful option when the question is how to control hair fall problems without exposing your hair to any kind of harmful chemicals. They help to easily strengthen, nourish and beautify your hair with suggested use.

12. This DIY homemade hair mask is great for combating thinning hair and hair fall problems.
Ingredients Required:
Freshly prepared strong green tea (good quality)
1 egg yolk
How to Prepare:
Take 1 egg yolk in a clean bowl; add 2 tablespoons of freshly prepared green tea to it.

Green tea will be hot; so be careful.
Mix nicely till such a frothy and creamy consistency is acquired as seen in the image. If it becomes thicker, you can add more green tea to dilute it.
Ingredients Required:

Almond Oil – 40 ml
Coconut Oil – 40 ml
Castor Oil – 10 ml
Aroma Magic Stimulate Oil – 5 ml
Aroma Magic Lavender Oil – 5ml
Vitamin E capsules – 3 capsules

This is for a 100 ml mixture. Also required is an empty bottle for storing it and a measuring cap to take the required quantities.

I have used the following (you may use brands you prefer):

Divya Badam Rogan Almond Oil (from Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali),Patanjali Tejus 100% Pure Coconut Oil, Castor oil from a local brand, Evion Capsules (Vitamin E) and the two oils mentioned from Aroma Magic.
How to Prepare:

Mix the above-mentioned quantities of Almond, Coconut and Castor oil.
Now add 5ml each of Stimulate Oil and Lavender Oil.
Slit open and squeeze 3 Vitamin E capsules into the mixture.
Shake the mixture well and store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight.

How to Apply:

This needs to be used for massage on the entire scalp and hair for about 10 minutes on alternate days. Leave overnight and wash off with shampoo.

Use this remedy for hair fall with patience and I am sure you will see the results very soon.

D. Treatments to stop Hair Fall:

14. Hair Spa:
This is one of the most commonly used treatments for hair loss. Not only is this a relaxing experience, but hair spa treatment also has a lot of benefits as listed below:

-It is meant to deep condition the hair, treating split ends and repairing dry, damaged and dull hair as well as removing dandruff which is another cause of hair fall.

-It provides essential nourishment to the hair roots; fortifies the hair follicles and revitalizes the scalp, thus making a way for newer hair growth and countering hair fall.

-It prevents scalp ageing and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp area through the massage, helps in maintaining clean scalp and hair, thus leading to healthier hair and reduced to no hair fall.

-It also brings a welcome relief from stress and tension.

Many beauty parlors and hair salons offer hair spa therapy and it is wonderful to indulge yourself in this treatment once or twice a month to combat hair fall and get bouncy, smooth and beautiful hair. Charges will of course vary from one parlor to the other.

15. Minoxidil (Rogaine):
This is one of the most effective, FDA-approved and commonly prescribed medications from doctors worldwide for arresting hair fall and treating alopecia-related problems.
16. Laser therapy:
A non-surgical treatment, Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a medical treatment meant to effectively deal with hair loss or thinning hair and stimulate new hair growth.
E. Best Anti Hair Fall Products:

Here’s a look at some of the best anti hair fall products available in the Indian market:

17. Trichup Hair Fall Control Oil:
A popular and commonly used anti-hair fall product, this is known to arrest hair fall, strengthen and nourish the hair roots and encourage new hair growth. It also protects the hair from environmental factors and chemical-induced damage, improves the hair texture and repairs hair, making it strong and bouncy.

Directions for Use as per their website:

Cleanse off the hair with Trichup Hair Fall Control Shampoo. After thorough drying, massage gently this oil on the scalp using finger tips until it gets absorbed in skin. Keep overnight for better results. Repeat 2 – 3 times a week for minimum of 4-6 weeks.

18. Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment:
This is a recent launch from Dove. The Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment contains patented Trichozole active with Ginseng and Soy Protein to help combat hair fall in only 2 weeks of use.
It has the following benefits for the hair:
-Strengthens and nourishes each hair strand from the root, reducing damage
-Locks hair firmly in its place, giving freedom from hair fall

Directions for Use as per their website:

i. Wash hair as usual and towel dry.
ii. Break open flat nozzle cap and apply lotion directly on clean scalp.
iii. Make series of partings and apply lotion evenly to the scalp.
iv. Massage lotion for 2-3 minutes to let it penetrate into the roots of your hair.
v. Use entire content of one vial at each application and leave it until next wash. Style as usual. (Must be left on for at least 8 hours)
vi. For best results, apply on clean scalp soon after towel dry & use every two days.

19. Parachute Advansed Scalp Therapie:

Formulated with Active Protein Complex and tested by dermatologists, this penetrates into the roots of the hair, provides essential nourishment to the hair follicles, replenishes hair, heals damage and controls hair fall. Here is a detailed review of Parachute Advansed Scalp Therapie.
Directions for Use as per their website:

a. Pour 5-6 ml of Parachute Advansed Scalp Therapie into your palm. For longer hair, you may use 8-10 ml.

b. Gently massage it onto your scalp for about 4-5 minutes.

c. Leave it onto your scalp overnight or at least 8 hours

d. Parachute Advansed Scalp Therapie should be used at least 3 times a week, and for best results should be used daily.

20. TRESemmé Hair Fall Defense Shampoo:
Very reasonably priced, this shampoo from TRESemmé has gained a lot of attention as it has been found to be useful against hair fall. It is gentle enough for daily use; it strengthens and restores health to damaged hair and prevents hair fall caused from breakage, thus giving smoother hair. Here is a detailed review of Tresemme Hair Fall Defense Shampoo.

Directions for Use as per their website:

i. Apply to wet hair, gently massage and work into lather.
ii. Rinse thoroughly.
iii. Use with TRESemmé Hair Fall Defense Conditioner.
iv. For optimum results use the TRESemmé Hair Fall Defense range. Style using your favourite TRESemmé styling products
Enriched with the goodness of natural ingredients such as Henna, Brahmi, Baheda, Fenugreek, Jojoba Oil, Amla, Bhringaraj, Olive Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Sesame Oil, this nourishing hair oil helps to fight and prevent hair fall.
It encourages new hair growth by stimulating the follicles of the hair, strengthens hair, and reduces thinning of the hair and baldness with regular use.

It, however, is expensive for the quantity you get in one bottle.

Directions for Use as per their website:

Massage oil gently onto the scalp. Leave it overnight or at least for an hour before wash.

Hope this article on Hair fall will help you like it helped me. This may answer your every question on how to reduce hair fall. Let me know your own tips to stop and prevent hair fall in the comments below.

Naturally Clean Teeth

Your teeth are a direct reflection of your whole body wellness. If you have a healthy diet, then your teeth and gums will be healthy as a result. There are certain foods that can be thought of as a double-edged sword, in terms of keeping your body healthy and cleaning your teeth at the same time.
Top 10 Teeth Cleaning Foods

As we continue exploring natural alternatives to cleaning teeth, we must mention these top ten beneficial foods for our teeth.

Tea – Infused herbal teas a way to promote good dental health. Green tea contains polyphenol antioxidant plant compounds that reduce plaque and help reduce cavities and gum disease. Tea may help reduce bad breath as well. Further, rinses can be made by preparing an herbal infused tea in the usual way, or by simply stirring herb powder into water. Hold the rinse in the mouth for a few seconds or up to several minutes, gargle, and spit out.
Dairy Products – Milk and yogurt are good for teeth because they contain low acidity, which means that wearing of teeth is less. They are also low in decay-inducing sugar. Milk is a good source of calcium, the main component of teeth and bones.
Cheese – Cheese contains natural cavity-fighting agents as well as contains vitamins to strength the teeth and enamel. The calcium and phosphate, which helps balance pH in the mouth, preserves (and rebuilds) tooth enamel, produces saliva, and kills bacteria that cause cavities and disease.
Fruits – Some of our favorite fruits and vegetables are natural abrasives and eating them scrubs your teeth in a natural and harmless way. Fruits such as apples, strawberries and kiwis contain Vitamin C. This vitamin is considered the element that holds cells together. If this vitamin is neglected, gum cells can break down, making gums tender and susceptible to disease.
Vegetables - Vitamin A, found in pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli, is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. Crunchy vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, brocolli and cucumbers may also help clean gums because of the increased chewing it takes to break it down. Onions contain antibacterial sulfur compounds. Tests show that onions kill various types of bacteria, especially when eaten raw. Celery protects teeth by producing saliva which neutralizes acid that causes demineralization and cavities. It also massages the teeth and gums.
Fresh herbs – Chewing on herbs like parsley, cilantro, and mint helps decrease odors caused by a buildup of bacteria. Dried herbs do not do as good of a job as fresh herbs do, however, dried herbs can be used in mouth rinses.
Seeds – Especially sesame seeds reduce plaque and help build tooth enamel. They are also very high in calcium.
Animal Protein Sources - Beef, chicken, turkey, eggs and especially fatty fish like salmon contain phosphorus which, with calcium, is one of the two most vital minerals of teeth and bone.
Water – Water cleans the mouth and produces saliva that deposits essential minerals into the teeth. It keeps gums hydrated and washes away particles from the teeth.
Whole Grains - Whole grains contain B vitamins and iron, which help keep gums healthy. Further, the magnesium that is also present is an important ingredient for bones and teeth. In addition, whole grains are high in fiber. High-fiber foods keeps saliva flowing, which helps create mineral defenses against tooth decay. Foods such as bran, brown rice, whole-grain cereals and pasta are good choices for whole grains.

Alternatives Toothpaste

Contrary to popular belief, your teeth are designed to last a lifetime. Over the years the dental industry has made a killing selling the idea that we need to brush our teeth with toothpaste and chemicals in order to keep our teeth clean. In a SHTF or long-term emergency scenario, tooth paste may be less accessible and we will need to fall upon more traditional means to clean our teeth.

Although certain foods can have a cleaning affect on your teeth, there are other natural alternatives that you can turn to keep your teeth and gums clean. Below are six alternatives to toothpaste that can be used to not only promote healthy teeth and gums, but most of these alternatives have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that assist in preventing dental issues such as gingivitis, canker sores and gum disease.

Chew sticks - Traditional peoples the world over use natural tooth brushes made from healing plants. These primitive twig “brushes” actually work quite well, and provide a natural-bristle, disposable brush with healing herbs already incorporated right in the plant. People would chew on the tip of a twig to make it spread out into several small strands. They would then use it in the same way that a toothbrush is used. If this is the only option to brush your teeth, look for twigs that contain oils to help stimulate blood circulation, tannins that tighten and cleanse gum tissue and other materials, such as vitamin C, which maintain healthy gums. Bay, eucalyptus, oak, fir, and juniper and twigs of the neem tree are good choices to make primitive toothbrushes with.

Salts - Salt is a multipurpose prep that every prepper should have a good supply of. In the case of dental health, it is a mild cleanser that can be used multiple times daily or as a mouthwash to help with bad breath or used as a disinfectant rinse. Salt has a natural healing property to it, as well as removes plaque, tartar and bad breath.

Cleaning teeth – Mix one part salt to two parts baking soda after pulverizing the salt in a blender or rolling it on a kitchen board with a tumbler before mixing. It whitens teeth, helps remove plaque and it is healthy for the gums. Another recipe for cleaning teeth is one teaspoon each of ground sage, baking soda, and table salt.

Washing mouth – Mix equal parts of salt and baking soda as a mouth wash that sweetens the breath.

Baking soda - Baking soda is a classic amongst natural teeth cleaning methods, and is harmless. It is very effective in removing stains and killing plaque-causing bacteria, and it also reduces acids which harm your tooth enamel. Hippocrates recommended a mixture of salt, alum, and vinegar as a mouthwash for preventative measures. Here is a basic recipe for baking soda toothpaste:

=> 1/2 cup aluminum free baking soda
=> 5 drops peppermint essential oil
=> 2 drops cinnamon or clove essential oil

Mix all ingredients together and use as you would normally for toothpaste.

Essential oils - Incorporating essential oils into your dental preparedness supplies can function as natural antibacterial and antimicrobial agents, as well as natural cleansers for a well-rounded mouth health. Essential oils such as peppermint and spearmint can be mixed with water to make dental rinses too.

Three popular essential oils amongst preppers are:

Peppermint Oil - Peppermint essential oil is the most popular oil used for teeth cleaning. It helps freshen breath, kill bacteria, and clear sinuses. 5 drops added to your teeth cleaning regimen will do the trick.
Clove oil contains eugenol, a natural pain killer and antibacterial. Mix 2 to 3 drops of pure clove oil with 1/4 teaspoon olive oil. Saturate a cotton ball with the mixture and place the cotton ball beside the tooth.
Cinnamon oil - Cinnamon naturally contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and can help fight harmful mouth bacterias. Cinnamon bark oil has been known to effectively destroy 21 different types of bacteria. Rinsing with diluted cinnamon oil after you brush your teeth, or using a toothpaste made from cinnamon oil may help you kill harmful bacteria and prevent cavities. It’s warming properties will also stimulate the blood circulation in gums. Note: Using cinnamon oil can cause some irritation and inflammation, therefore if you plan to use cinnamon oil, always dilute it first. If you suffer from any inflammation in your mouth, discontinue using cinnamon oil and the symptoms should disappear within 24 hours.
4 thieves oil - A combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary, this oil possesses both antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. A few drops of this oil can be used to prevent and treat gum disease, drops can be applied orally to maintain healthy teeth and reduce cavities, to clean teeth and be used as an effective mouth wash, or applied to gums and teeth for pain relief from toothaches.

If you are faced with swollen gums, nightly gum packs made from herbs or herbal infused oils rolled in gauze can be tucked into the corners of the mouth. In auyervedic medicine, a combination of turmeric, aloe, willow bark, vitamin E, and powdered alum can help relieve pain and swelling. If this regimen is regularly used and followed with a healthy diet and vitamin supplements, it can reduce symptoms significantly.

Hydrogen peroxide 3% - This product assists in healing canker sores, helps kill off bacteria living in the mouth, and fights gingivitis. There is conflicting information about the abrasiveness of hydrogen peroxcide on teeth, so to be on the safe side, dilute this product with water if you decide to use it in your mouth.

A mouth rinse can be made by mixing equal parts of water and a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. This mouth rinse should be swished (not swallowed) around the entire mouth for 15-30 seconds. Using the diluted mouthwash and then following it with your normal brushing regimen will thoroughly clean the mouth and teeth, as well as kill off harmful bacteria. Don’t limit using hydrogen peroxide to inside your mouth, you can even clean your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide after use to kill off any remaining bacteria that may still be left on the toothbrush.

Water - This is the most basic a person can get with cleaning their teeth. Brushing your teeth with water may not have any healing properties, but it will at least get any residual food off of your teeth. And anything is better than nothing at all.

To conclude, without our normal dental items being readily available to us during a long-term emergency, we may have to fall upon more natural approaches to dental health. Having supplies and possessing knowledge on natural alternatives to maintain healthy teeth and gums will prevent and may control any current issues from exacerbating.