teeth are a direct reflection of your whole body wellness. If you
have a healthy diet, then your teeth and gums will be healthy as a
result. There are certain foods that can be thought of as a
double-edged sword, in terms of keeping your body healthy and
cleaning your teeth at the same time.
10 Teeth Cleaning Foods
we continue exploring natural alternatives to cleaning teeth, we must
mention these top ten beneficial foods for our teeth.
– Infused herbal teas a way to promote good dental health. Green
tea contains polyphenol antioxidant plant compounds that reduce
plaque and help reduce cavities and gum disease. Tea may help reduce
bad breath as well. Further, rinses can be made by preparing an
herbal infused tea in the usual way, or by simply stirring herb
powder into water. Hold the rinse in the mouth for a few seconds or
up to several minutes, gargle, and spit out.
Products – Milk and yogurt are good for teeth because they
contain low acidity, which means that wearing of teeth is less. They
are also low in decay-inducing sugar. Milk is a good source of
calcium, the main component of teeth and bones.
– Cheese contains natural cavity-fighting agents as well as
contains vitamins to strength the teeth and enamel. The calcium and
phosphate, which helps balance pH in the mouth, preserves (and
rebuilds) tooth enamel, produces saliva, and kills bacteria that
cause cavities and disease.
– Some of our favorite fruits and vegetables are natural
abrasives and eating them scrubs your teeth in a natural and harmless
way. Fruits such as apples, strawberries and kiwis contain Vitamin C.
This vitamin is considered the element that holds cells together. If
this vitamin is neglected, gum cells can break down, making gums
tender and susceptible to disease.
- Vitamin A, found in pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes and
broccoli, is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. Crunchy
vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, brocolli and cucumbers may
also help clean gums because of the increased chewing it takes to
break it down. Onions contain antibacterial sulfur compounds. Tests
show that onions kill various types of bacteria, especially when
eaten raw. Celery protects teeth by producing saliva which
neutralizes acid that causes demineralization and cavities. It also
massages the teeth and gums.
herbs – Chewing on herbs like parsley, cilantro, and mint helps
decrease odors caused by a buildup of bacteria. Dried herbs do not do
as good of a job as fresh herbs do, however, dried herbs can be used
in mouth rinses.
– Especially sesame seeds reduce plaque and help build tooth
enamel. They are also very high in calcium.
Protein Sources - Beef, chicken, turkey, eggs and especially fatty
fish like salmon contain phosphorus which, with calcium, is one of
the two most vital minerals of teeth and bone.
– Water cleans the mouth and produces saliva that deposits
essential minerals into the teeth. It keeps gums hydrated and washes
away particles from the teeth.
Grains - Whole grains contain B vitamins and iron, which help keep
gums healthy. Further, the magnesium that is also present is an
important ingredient for bones and teeth. In addition, whole grains
are high in fiber. High-fiber foods keeps saliva flowing, which helps
create mineral defenses against tooth decay. Foods such as bran,
brown rice, whole-grain cereals and pasta are good choices for whole